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Code of Conduct

North Metro Little League
Player, Parent, and Guest
Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is in effect before, during and after any game, practice, or Little League related functions.  This includes, but is not limited to pizza parties, Bar-B-Q’s, swim parties, and/or field trips.  This Code of Conduct shall govern the behavior of all Managers, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Team Parents, players, spectators, fans, and League Officials. Upon signature, parent/guardians are responsible for their fans, and/or family members in attendance to adhere to all Little League International Rules and North Metro Little League Code of Conduct. 

Section One: No person shall: physically attack any manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire or League official; or any time lay a hand upon, shove, kick, strike, or in any way intimidate by threat of force any manage, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire or League official.  No person shall use any methods; i.e., verbal, gestures with either hand or body, to incite physical or verbal altercations between manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire or League official.  At no time shall physical or verbal fighting be allowed.

Penalty: Violation of section one will result in immediate ejection from the game or removal from the Little League function.  The offending party shall be removed from their League position or forfeit their player eligibility for the remainder of the season.  North Metro Little League will contact law enforcement in every instance of physical assault.  In the case of spectator or fan, their attendance at future games can be limited, or their player removed from the program.

Section 2: No Person shall, refuse to abide by the umpire’s decision.  Nor shall they show his/her discontent with an umpire’s decision by throwing a glove, bat, ball, or any object.  Nor shall any person discuss the umpire’s decision except a manager or his.her designee; and/or discuss publicly the decision of an umpire in a manner that is derogatory or abusive of the umpire.

Penalty: Violation of section two will result in the offending party’s immediate ejection from the game.  The offending party shall also be suspended for the next game actually played.  The league reserves the right to take further action depending upon the severity of the ejected party’s behavior.  The ejected manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, or League official is required to leave the property at which the game is being played.  Refusal to leave the property following the ejection will result in the forfeiture of the offending party’s eligibility to participate as a member of the League for the remainder of the season. 

Section 3: No person shall; be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics during a game or target any manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire or league official for retaliation during the course of a game or subsequent to a game.  Nor shall any person direct abusive, profane, vulgar, or obscene language at any manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire, or league official during any game or Little League function. 

Penalty: The offending party shall be immediately ejected from the game and shall be suspended for the next game actually played and/or be removed from the function.  The offending party shall be placed on probation for the remainder of the season.  The League reserves the right to take further action depending upon the severity of the behavior of the party ejected or removed.

Section 4: No person shall: participate in any Little League activity while intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal substance nor shall any alcohol, tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and/or illegal substances be consumed at any Little League game or facility.  Nor shall any person wager upon the outcome of any Little League game with any spectator, player, manager, coach, parent, or League official.

Penalty: The offending party shall be; immediately ejected from the game and shall be suspended for the next game actually played.  The offending party shall be placed on probation for the remainder of the season.  The League reserves the right to take further action depending upon the severity of the offending party’s behavior. 

Section 5: No person shall; use any form of electronic communication, or social networking to slander, defame or communicate negative comments or aspersions about any manager, coach, player, spectator, fan, umpire or League official.  Any concerns about any of the above persons should be directed to the proper League personnel, utilizing the Board of Directors to help with conflict and misunderstandings.

Penalty: Any person violating this section will be warned and depending on the seriousness of the behavior could be suspended from one or more games or removed from the league.  Managers, Coaches and Players will be placed on probation.  If a parent violates this section, their player (s) could be removed from the program.

Section 6: No person shall: cause careless or willful damage to any League building, equipment, or property or deface any League building, equipment, or other property.  All property or equipment shall be returned to the League in the same condition as given, with the exception for normal wear and tear.

Penalty: The offending party or parties shall receive a written warning from the League and shall make full restitution for the repair of any damages and be placed on probation for the remainder of the season.  The League reserves the right to take further action depending upon the severity of the offending party’s behavior.

Section 7: Any violation of the Code of Conduct, North Metro Little League Local Rules, or Little League International Rules will be reviewed by the Discipline Committee.  The committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Umpire Coordinator, Player Agent and one or more Board of Directors. Any situation not specifically addressed in the Code of Conduct, or other rules, shall be considered on an individual basis and shall be reviewed by the President and Discipline Committee.  All decisions may be appealed in writing to the full Board of Directors.  The decision of the full Board of Directors shall be final.

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